If you went to the supermarket and you are too lazy to climb the stairs with your stuff, no problem, ask the Bernard's solution!!
You just need this thing and you can put all your food in your flat with less energy.
Bernard is the king of this sort of strange creations. But this time I can say it is really useful and so convenient!
Just two minutes and all the food arrives in the flat by outside. So cool!

I just want you to see how wonderful is the french lanscape, here you can see the Chartreuse, it is some montains between Grenoble and Chambery. There, I went to buy some liquor, home made! This plant is absynthe, from this plant you can do the very famous alcohol: l'absynthe, but it was forbidden since 1917 because people drunk too much so they became crazy...!!
The woman showed us how to do the alcohol. You put the plant with sugar and alcohol in these boxes. 
And then you take it back and put it in bottle. This alcohol is really tasty and good. But I don't think that my asiatic friends would be interested in this tradition...
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