I went to a traditional party, or "fête du village" juste next to Moûtiers. You can see Aigueblanche and Moûtiers between the mountains here.

The weather was really good but a bit cool, because it was higher that Moûtiers. The place I went with Bernard was Ronchat. It is a very tiny place but very calm and cute.

To be exact, the party was the bread party, so some guys made bread all the day in the old baker's oven. It is a public one, it means everyone who lives in Ronchat can use it for free. But if you want to cook only one bread don't use it!! it needs almost an half day to be on temperature with wood burned!!

But it's true that the bread is really better made in a baker's oven.

It was funny to meet very typical french guys. The black hat like that is worn in Savoie. This man is washing his hands in the ancient washing machine of the village!!! (I don't know the name in english).

In these party everything is organised in the air, outside, in order to enjoy the fresh air of the summer. French people love to have dinner outside when it is sunny. It all the opposide in Taiwan, because it is really too hot !

At that place you can only drink, it is like a bar. There is only alcohol, beer or wine.

I want to show how houses are different in each place in France. This is a typical 'Savoyarde' house with wood. If you compare with Paris suburbs houses, it is really different.

An old guy was comparing pictures of the place where he was born: Ronchat. He lives now near Bourges in the center of France and was happy to come back here. He told old stories about multiples fires in 1925 (because of the storm), 1944 (made by nazi soldiers against some resistants) and anothers but I don't remember. That's why the pictures are differents because a lot of houses disapeared.

Some volonteers prepared the dinner for 50 or 100 persons. I am sorry because I didn't think to take a photo of the meal because I am not get used to take picture of my food in France, it is not like in Taiwan. But most of you are happy because so many told me that you are fed of pictures of food on my blog!!

This old gaz machine is for the patatoes.

After the dinner, we went to dance some french danses on a "musette" musique made by accordion, piano, and guitar.

And in the Bernard's house in the same village we played a game: Abalone. At 4 o'clock we went to sleep!
So now you know what is a traditional bread party in France!
fountain perhaps ?
RépondreSupprimerafter a while in France, you've forgotten your english hi hi
Je voulais dire lavoir, mais j'ai eu la flemme de chercher sur google!!